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At Embrace Skin and Wellness, we utilize innovative laser, IPL, microneedling, and electrolysis treatment options to provide you with more youthful, healthier-looking skin and to remove hair permanently. Our experienced and highly-trained team of skincare professionals can customize a treatment plan that is right for you. Experience that transformation for yourself and fulfill your beauty desires by scheduling your consultation today.

Details by Sharon

Sharon Trice is a fully qualified and certified electrologist, laser technician, and permanent makeup artist trained at Nouveau Contour and licensed in Tennessee. She holds several permanent cosmetics certifications including:

Aloor Eyeliner

Aleksandra Maniuse

Design & Mapping

Elaine Campin, Brow Envy Academy

The Collective

Tina Davies Academy

Ombre Brows

The Collective – Tina Davies Academy

Color Course

Tina Davies

Powder Brows

Shay Danielle

Aloor Lip Blush

Aleksandra Maniuse


Mission Statement

Enhancing beauty and confidence by using innovative practices and superior products. Permanent makeup is the art form of cosmetic tattooing.

Permanent Cosmetic Makeup
  • Allows you to look your very best every day by subtly enhancing your own natural beauty.
  • Uplifts the face by defining washed-out eyes, brows, and lips.
  • Is a highly-individualized procedure. Special attention is given to each client to achieve the absolute best results.


Yes, it is. I am Bloodborne Pathogen Certified to keep you safe and healthy from the spread of diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis and Herpes. (You can get any of these diseases if you choose someone that is not qualified and certified.) All procedures are performed using disposable supplies that follow guidelines as required by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and OSHA regulations. My office is a clean, safe, and sterilized environment that has been inspected and permitted by the Health Department. 

Technicians must have completed Permanent Makeup Training from a reputable center for more than 100 hours and have:

  • Certifications in Micropigmentation (Permanent Makeup)
  • Certification in Bloodborne Pathogens
  • SHARPS container
  • Licensed and Permitted by The Health Department 

Many factors influence the longevity of permanent makeup such as the sun, hormones, skincare products, chlorine pools, medications, hydration of the skin and how well you comply with aftercare. If all is done correctly, it will last 1-3 years.

I use high-strength numbing before and during the procedure for your comfort. Do not have a permanent makeup procedure one week before or during menstruation. If you are prone to sensitivity, you can take a Benadryl 30 minutes before your appointment which will keep any swelling to a minimum, and in some cases help to relax you. Please consult your doctor before taking Benadryl or if under a physician’s care. 

Color appears darker, thicker and unnatural looking in the beginning. Color is 20-40% darker and starts fading after 5 days to a softer and natural appearance. Depending on the intensity of the procedure and your own body’s healing ability, you may experience mild swelling and redness anywhere from 24-72 hours. I will explain and provide aftercare for you to take home post-procedure.

Additional Permanent Makeup Services

Powdered & Ombre Brows

Eyebrows that are too light or nonexistent can be beautifully enhanced and improved with permanent cosmetics. Eyebrows are important because they frame your eyes and give your face expression. Fuller eyebrows give you a more youthful appearance. Ombre Brows are great for any skin type. When healed, results appear soft like a shaded or powdered brow. On average application can last 2-3 years before the need for a touch-up appointment.


Enhance your lashes by filling in the gaps along your lash line. A variety of natural colors can be used and applied thinly for a subtle look or thicker for a more bold and dramatic result. On average, the application can last 3-5 years before the need for a touch-up appointment.


Enhances the beauty of the natural lip color and gives the appearance of fullness. It improves the shape of the lips and can help to correct asymmetry. Darker skin tones may not be suitable for permanent lip color due to the natural undertones occurring in the skin pigmentation. Cold sore sufferers should start on a course of anti-viral medication for cold sores prior to starting permanent cosmetic treatments. On average, the application can last 2-4 years before the need for a touch-up appointment.

Details by Sharon

Permanent Cosmetics, Laser, IPL, and Microneedling Treatments, Electrolysis

Sharon Trice, Licensed Electrologist, Licensed Tattoo Artist, Laser Practitioner
Contact Details by Sharon to schedule your consultation.

237 Poplar View Pkwy
Collierville, TN 38017

Office Phone


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: Appointment Only

237 Poplar View Pkwy, Collierville, TN 38017, USA

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