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Discover Your Best Self in Germantown, Tennessee

Welcome to Embrace Skin and Wellness, Germantown’s premier destination for personalized beauty and health services. Our state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to providing top-notch services and products tailored to meet your unique needs. At Embrace Skin and Wellness, we believe in helping you discover your best self through a wide range of treatments designed to rejuvenate your skin, enhance your appearance, and improve your overall well-being.

Our comprehensive suite of services includes luxurious facials, effective laser hair removal, precise electrolysis, Botox® and filler injections, skin rejuvenation treatments, IV therapy, medical weight loss programs, bioidentical hormone therapy, permanent makeup, and advanced hair restoration solutions. Whether you’re seeking the calming effects of a rejuvenating facial or the transformative results of Botox and fillers, Embrace Skin and Wellness is your trusted partner in beauty and wellness.

State-of-the-Art Technology for Unmatched Results

At Embrace Skin and Wellness, we utilize the latest advancements in medical and aesthetic technology to ensure exceptional results. Our collaboration with Aesthetic Management Partners, a global provider of state-of-the-art medical equipment and advanced laser and radio frequency technologies, allows us to offer unmatched results, maximum comfort, and reduced downtimes. This commitment to cutting-edge technology distinguishes us as a leader in the aesthetic industry in Germantown, Tennessee.

Trust in Our Educated and Experienced Team

Every member of our team is thoroughly educated, trained, licensed, and certified in their specialty under the medical supervision of Dr. Gina Bray, DO. With over 30 years of combined experience, our team continuously enhances their skill set and service offerings through ongoing education and training. Choosing Embrace Skin and Wellness means placing your trust in educated and experienced hands. Our specialists work closely with each client to create customized plans that integrate multiple solutions to achieve the desired outcome.

Meet Our Passionate Founders: Karen Cooksey and Dr. Krystle Holliday

Embrace Skin and Wellness was founded by Karen Cooksey and Dr. Krystle Holliday, who share a passion for helping clients discover their very best. Under the medical supervision of Dr. Gina Bray, DO, Karen and Krystle lead a team of dedicated professionals who prioritize giving you the time and attention you deserve. We focus on listening to your concerns and identifying solutions that help you look and feel your best.

Experience the Embrace Skin and Wellness difference where state-of-the-art technology meets individualized care, and where your journey to discovering your best self begins. Explore the possibilities, discover the difference, and embrace a new you in Germantown, Tennessee.

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