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Do regular body hair maintenance activities, like waxing and shaving, feel like a constant waste of time and money? Are you frustrated that your smooth skin never seems to last, almost like hair grows back in the blink of an eye? Start your journey to sparing yourself the wasted time and headaches that come along with shaving, waxing, plucking, and tweezing! Laser hair removal can help significantly reduce how quickly and how much hair grows. Learn more during a consultation with Embrace Skin and Wellness in Collierville, Tennessee!

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a treatment option that affects how hair grows on your body. This non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment method does not necessarily permanently eliminate hair, but it can help significantly reduce the frequency and thickness of hair growth.

Laser hair removal is an extremely diverse treatment, and common treatment areas include:

  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Chin
  • Face or upper lip
  • Legs
  • Neck
  • Shoulders and arms
  • Stomach

Explore all the options of laser hair removal during your consultation with our team in Collierville to discover this safe, effective treatment option for smoother skin!

What Can I Expect from a Procedure?

During this non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure, a gentle laser heat is applied directly to the skin. The laser affects the function and health of the hair follicle. When the follicle is damaged, hair growth can be prevented or reduced.

Laser hair removal treatments are performed as outpatient procedures in the comfort of our Collierville, Tennessee office. There is no set downtime associated with each treatment session, but the length of each treatment will vary based on:

  • Area treated
  • Color, depth, and type of hair
  • Growth cycle of hair
  • Skin tone

While you should be able to return to normal activities, you may experience some redness on the treatment area. Results will vary, but additional treatments are often necessary to reduce the amount of hair. Laser hair removal does not necessarily permanently remove hair, but it can help slow the growth cycle and ensure hair does not grow back as thick.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Our team at Embrace Skin and Wellness proudly offers laser hair removal treatments for all skin types. However, a consultation with us is the best way to determine if this is the right treatment option for you and your goals!

Schedule Your Consultation!

Ready for smoother skin? Contact us today at Embrace Skin and Wellness in Collierville, Tennessee, to schedule your consultation and learn more about laser hair removal! We proudly serve clients from Collierville, Memphis, Tennessee, and North Mississippi.”