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Does it feel like unwelcome lines and wrinkles have taken a toll on your appearance, and nothing you’ve tried seems to help? Have you considered seeking professional help to restore your youthful look, but you’re hesitant to pursue a surgical procedure? Choosing a non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment like BOTOX may be the right choice for you! This injectable treatment can help relax your muscles to reduce the appearance of those pesky lines and wrinkles. Learn more during your consultation with Embrace Skin and Wellness, serving East Memphis, Collierville, and Germantown!

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to relax and reduce the appearance of fine lines and dynamic wrinkles. This non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment is composed of a natural protein strain called botulinum protein. When injected into a targeted area, BOTOX acts as a neuromodulator, affecting how nerve signals and muscles interact. By preventing nerve signals from reaching the muscles, BOTOX stops them from contracting, which in turn prevents lines from deepening.

What Can I Expect from a Procedure?

During a BOTOX treatment session, a specialist at Embrace Skin and Wellness will gently inject the BOTOX protein substance directly into your area of concern. Common treatment areas include:
Crow’s feet

  • Crow’s feet
  • Eyebrows
  • Forehead lines
  • Marionette lines
  • Smile and frown lines

BOTOX injections are performed as outpatient procedures in the comfort of our Tennessee offices in East Memphis, Collierville, and Germantown. There is no set downtime associated with this treatment, allowing you to get right back to your busy day! Treatment sessions are typically short, but additional treatments may be required to achieve and maintain your desired results. While results may vary for each person and treatment area, they typically last for three to six months.

Am I a Good Candidate?

BOTOX is a safe and effective treatment for reducing the appearance of dynamic wrinkles. While most people can benefit from this FDA-approved anti-aging treatment, the best way to determine if it’s the right option for you is through a consultation! Chat with our team at Embrace Skin and Wellness in East Memphis, Collierville, or Germantown to learn more about how this non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment could help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Schedule Your Consultation!

Curious to see if BOTOX could help enhance your natural beauty? Contact us today at Embrace Skin and Wellness! Schedule your consultation to visit us at our office in Collierville, Tennessee. We service Memphis, Collierville, Eads, Lakeland, and Germantown, Tennessee.