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Embrace Your Best —
Inside and Out

Embrace Your Best Life

Embrace your best at Embrace Skin and Wellness, your ultimate haven for personalized beauty and health services in Collierville, Tenn., proudly serving the entire Mid-South. Our state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to providing you with top-notch services and products tailored to your unique needs.

At Embrace Skin and Wellness, we offer facials, laser hair removal, electrolysis, toxin (i.e.Botox®, Jeuveau®, and Xeomin®) and filler injections, skin rejuvenation, IV therapy, medical weight loss treatments, bioidentical hormone therapy, permanent makeup, and hair restoration.

Whether you’re seeking the tranquility of a rejuvenating facial, the precision of electrolysis, or the confidence boost from Botox and filler treatments, Embrace Skin and Wellness is your trusted partner.

Our comprehensive approach extends to medical weight loss treatments and hair restoration services, ensuring that our clients have access to a broad portfolio of solutions under one roof.

Embrace Skin and Wellness takes pride in its commitment to personalized care. Our specialists collaborate closely with each client, creating customized plans that integrate multiple solutions to achieve the desired outcome.

Experience the Embrace Skin and Wellness difference where state-of-the-art meets individualized care, and where your journey to embracing your best self begins.

Let Embrace Skin and Wellness be your guide to a transformative beauty and wellness experience. Explore the possibilities, discover the difference, and embrace a new you.

Leverage Our Cutting-Edge Technology for Stunning Results

Embrace Skin and Wellness collaborates with Aesthetic Management Partners, a global state-of-the-art medical equipment and advanced laser and radio frequency technologies provider who is headquartered in nearby Cordova, Tenn. This relationship allows us to provide you with the latest technology — offering unmatched results, maximum comfort, and reduced downtimes.


Have Peace of Mind Knowing You’re in Educated and Experienced Hands

You need to carefully vet anyone who is offering aesthetic, skincare, electrology, and weight loss services. Afterall, it’s your health and beauty at stake.

That’s why you can have complete peace of mind choosing Embrace Skin and Wellness.

Under the medical supervision of Dr. Gina Bray, DO, every member of our team is thoroughly educated, trained, licensed, and certified for their specialty. Through ongoing education courses and training, we continuously refine our skillset and service offerings. With over 30 years of experience, we adhere to the highest standards of safety and efficacy.

Trust us to provide you with exceptional care and outstanding results as your wellbeing and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Voted Best Electrolysis Clinic

We’re honored when our dedication to clients is validated with formal recognition. That’s why we’re excited to share that our community voted us “Best Electrolysis Clinic” in the 2023 Memphis Most Competition.

We are extremely proud of this accomplishment! Thank you to each and every one of you who voted for Embrace Skin and Wellness.

Read What Our Clients Say about Us



Embrace Skin and Wellness

237 Poplar View Parkway
Collierville, TN 38017


Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Additional times may be available by appointment.

Saturday and Sunday: By appointment only

Contact Us